Patience is a virtue......whoever said that should be shot.
I hate to wait for things. I like to get things when I want them. However as the world works and how God has ordained it. I rarely get what I want when I want it.
However there is something to be said for absence makes the heart grow fonder. When you are apart from something that you love when you are reunited with that thing or person isn't is so much sweeter because you have waited and now are together.
I was talking to my mom earlier today and she mentioned some things and I was like I really do not want to wait for that.....but that is what I have been called to do right now so I will wait. Because when we try and satisfy ourselves outside of the Lord's timing it always ends up empty and we are never filled.
So I will wait for the things that Jesus has me waiting for. Because the only reason I do not have then now is because I am not ready for them. It is not the right time.
Jesus...waiting on you.
I also dislike hearing that phrase... but I am realizing that a patience based in a trust in God's ability to plan for us is amazing. Granted, I barely have that trust right now but he is faithful even though I am not.