"You don't have to want to...you just have to do it"
These are great words of wisdom I received from my mother today...well these are great words of wisdom I have received from my mother for the past 21 years among others.
However I have never really looked at them or at least never their true import never was seen by me until today.
you know those sticking points in your life where you feel like you will never get out no matter what you try and in order to get out you will have to change something or work harder the place you are stuck may not be the best for you but you are relatively comfortable and you are familiar with that place. Well I am in such a place and if I remain I will never be able to reach the dreams that have motivated me my entire life and live the life that Jesus intends me to live.
when I was 12 years old I made an oath to myself...one which I have not looked at or remembered for a long time...however it was instrumental in guiding me to where I am today. It was my sounding board my, azimuth, my point of origin to from which I leaped out into the life I am living or trying to live today.
My oath:
To defend women and children, and those less capable of defending themselves then me and to defend freedom.
This is what I swore to myself and it may sound silly how a 12 year old boy could do anything that would direct his life for the next almost 10 years. I did.
However in the past 2 years I have lost sight of my oath and I have allowed other things to cloud my judgment and moved me away from my oath. I want to do so many great things and I feel like God is leading me to do something great for him and his kingdom. However I have taken my eyes off of the prize I have turned my head towards prizes that are closer to me and more easily attainable. But the lasting benefit is nothing compared with what it would be for my oath.
Sometimes there are things in my life which are good for me but are painful; the benefit of them cannot be denied however I do not feel like doing them. At this point is where I need to remember what my mom said and, I do not have to want to I just have to do it. "It" the thing that will make the difference. "It" the thing that is hard but absolutely necessary. "It" the course of action that will lead me in the direction of the prize on which my eyes should be set.
"I don't have to want to...I just am going to do it."