0415 – Wake up: I get up to do my quite time. I am getting my body used to getting up early and doing my reading so when I have a full day I am used to it.
0545 – PT formation: we have formation every morning at this time for PT, which I live all of a 4 minute bike ride away from.
0610 – We start PT: it takes about this long to do accountability and revelry, then we finally stretch and go to run. We normally run about 3 days of the week. Tuesdays is our combative days and Thursday is our squad competition days.
0730 – Releases to shower and breakfast: this is when I ride my bike home to shower and eat breakfast.
0830 – Head back for 0900 formation: normally the last people in the squads get picked for details so if you get there early you can stand next to the squad leader and get out of details.
0900 – Formation: this is when SFC K hands out information, schools, and details.
0930 – Normally when we are released for the day
1000 – Smith Gym: this is when I head over to Smith Gym and get a lift in.
1200 – Lunch: I am still working on cheap health bachelor lunches. Right now my favorite meal which I had all last week was hamburgers and zucchini with feta cheese. It is great.
1200 – 1700 – read/nap/read/hang with Judd
1700 – Normally cardio workout: this is when I go for another run or go out on my bike depending on the day and when we did for PT and what we have tomorrow.
1830 – Dinner: which for the last week it has been steak and zucchini and or yellow squash with feta cheese.
1900 – 2100 – read/watch movie/call people
2100 – Bed time: I normally try and go to bed at or just before 2100. It is great to get all that sleep.
I have so much free time right now it is great. God is doing some big time renovations in my life, teaching me to rely on him and to trust his plan for my life. I do not have much to do here but grow my relationship with Him so that is what I am using this time for. I am never going to have this kind of free time again; I am going to enjoy it for all it is worth right now. Well that is what a day in the life of Joey lambert looks like during the week.